For all prospective clients wishing to visit our office and receiving treatment by Dr Sarkissian, rest assured that your trip may end up being a pleasant and lucrative one.
Since Dr Sarkissian provides a biologically-oriented comprehensive treatment plan considering all aspects of your health related to the mouth, the jaws and the teeth, your benefits from visiting us may outweigh the associated cost and time to travel out to Los Angeles. The meticulous planning and coordinating we offer will definitely serve to your advantage, in particular if you have a multitude of dental problems and work to accomplish. We will block out all your future visits and appointments once the treatment plan has been made, and will make sure that your treatment is relaxed, comfortable and smooth. We have a wonderful network of services and practitioners for your other needs, including naturopaths, homeopaths, massage therapy and body work, biocompatibility testing, acupuncture, and ultimately, a luxurious day spa. We can coordinate everything for you if we have ample notice.
To facilitate efficient handling, please use the following guidelines:
- Contact our office at least 1 month before your expected travel date.
- Obtain high-quality copies of X-rays pertinent to your case and mail them beforehand.
- Make a chronological list of dental treatment received, a chronological summary of health and medical history including dates of ONSET of specific problems or ailments, and a list of supplements, medications and remedies, including naturopathic or homeopathic remedies. Send these by mail.
- If you intend to start treatment on your first visit, please book a 3-hour appointment the first day, and plan to stay for a few days, as determined by the treatment plan. Our office will contact you to arrange further appointments. We can also assist you in finding a place to stay.
- Please download our forms, fill them out and mail them back to us. You find them on our page New Patient Exam.