About the Biomimetic Principle

Biomimetics is a new concept in dentistry with one goal in mind; returning a tooth back to its natural state as much as possible.  This process involves the mimicking of a natural healthy tooth when performing a dental restoration.  According to Dr Magne, chairman of esthetic dentistry at USC and one of the foremost researchers in the area of bonded (non-metallic) restorations, “the physiological performance of intact (non-diseased) teeth is the result of an intimate and balanced relationship between biological, mechanical, functional, and aesthetic parameters.”  He explains that natural teeth, through the optimal combination of enamel (the hard outer coating) and dentin (the softer underlying organic structure) constitute the perfect and unmatched compromise between stiffness, strength, and resilience.  Alterations in the structural integrity of teeth due to restorative procedures and changes due to aging can easily violate this subtle balance, ultimately leading to increased failure.  By following biomimetic principles, we can strengthen teeth by increasing their resistance to crown deformation.  This is done by only removing diseased tooth structure and using modern advanced materials which imitate natural tooth mechanics much more closely than materials used in the past.

The biomimetic approach is not only tooth conserving, but it is also functionally and biologically sound.  It is in sharp contrast to the traditional crown technique, which renders the underlying tooth structure hypo-functional due to its stiffness and rigidity. It is important to note that hypo-functionality caused by the crown technique also leads to an increased incidence of pulpal deterioration resulting in avoidable root canal treatment.  A good analogy of this concept is having an arm weaken or atrophy due to being placed into a cast for a prolonged period of time.  In addition, we often notice gum irritation due to traditional crowns being placed under the gum to hide the metal edges.  These are all avoidable problems using biomechanically sound bonded restorations.

“The goal of biomimetics in restorative dentistry is to return all of the prepared dental tissues to full function by the creation of a hard tissue bond that allows functional stresses to pass through the tooth, drawing the entire crown into the final functional biologic and esthetic result.”

The biomimetic principles are very much in agreement with our existing treatment philosophies.  We are excited to integrate these principals in our office.

The Benefits of Biological Therapies in Dentistry

Today homeopathy is an often used system of medicine which is not only safe, but also has no harmful side-effects. It involves remedies chosen on a highly individual basis. In the dental field it offers surprisingly effective therapies for toothaches, gum disease, abscesses, ulcers, children’s teething problems, dental fear and anxiety, etc. Since homeopathy acts on an energy level, it acts extremely well on children especially, because of their high energy, vitality and purity.

Herbal remedies can be used as teas which stimulate the body’s immune system and its detoxification mechanisms, and also as natural constituents in mouthwashes and toothpastes. Some herbs are not suitable for children, pregnant women, for those on anti-depressive or other drugs, or with liver damage. Please consult your physician before using herbs internally.

Aromatherapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, bioresonance, low level laser, biomeridian and bioenergetic therapy, applied kinesiology, osteopathic therapy and nutritional therapy can all have applications in dentistry. A biological dentist uses a multidisciplinary approach in utilizing these services, or referring a patient to specialists in complementary therapies, thus benefiting the patient as a whole.

Dental Homeopathy

Homeopathy has definitely found its way into biological dentistry, and today many dentists are using varying homeopathic remedies for various purposes. The ailments of the mouth, including the teeth, are in essence small-scale versions of other bodily malfunctions, and sometimes even one of their many manifestations.

It is therefore understandable, especially in light of the heavy emotional aspects of dental diseases and their treatments, that homoeopathy would be a valuable method of supportive therapy.

The modern concept of biological therapy may include classical homoeopathy, complex homoeopathy, isopathy, homotoxicology, auto-sanguis therapy, Sanum (Enderlein) therapy, nosodes, etc.

Many of these have their origins in Germany, where homoeopathy is well integrated into and tolerated by mainstream medicine.

Homoeopathy can be used in dentistry for anxiety, pain, sensitivity after fillings, infections and abscesses, gum disease, before and after surgeries, dental trauma, ulcers, etc.

Constitutional treatment by a professional homoeopath will also use deeper acting remedies to treat chronic disease, strengthen an individual’s general health, emotional makeup and immune system.

To find out more about homoeopathy, go to ABC Homeopathy.

Recommendations prior to Amalgam Removal

Please follow these recommendation for supplements to be taken and guidelines to be followed before and during amalgam removal. It must be stressed that they are based on varying nutritional protocols reported in complimentary medical and dental literature, and are not meant to treat any systemic diseases, nor to prevent any dental complications that may otherwise occur.

WARNING: We urge you to consult with your physician or nutritionist before taking any of these supplements , especially if your health or excretion is compromised. Please be aware that some herbs interfere with allopathic medication, or may be absolutely contraindicated for use in pregnancy, heart disease or antidepressant therapy.

  • Zinc gluconate or picolinate: 25-30mg 1/2 hour before bedtime.
  • Selenium: 200mcg once daily after breakfast. Do not take at the same time as zinc.
  • Calcium/Magnesium: 1000mg/300mg once daily after a meal. Taurate or orotate forms preferred.
  • Vitamin C: At least 2000mg twice daily after meals. Combine with bioflavonoids.
  • A liver herbal detox remedy supported by a homeopathic liver/gall bladder remedy. A “liver flush” is also advisable.
  • A homeopathic lymph support remedy.
  • A kidney herbal/homeopathic remedy.
  • A colon stimulating supplement including psyllium seeds and other fibers.
  • 3 capsules of activated charcoal twice a week in-between meals (take at least 1 hour away from all herbs and medications).
  • A chlorella/spirulina greens supplement.
  • Probiotics – intestinal recolonization with beneficial bacteria.
  • N-Acetylcysteine, 500mg dialy.
    Garlic – freeze-dried or high-grade extract.
  • Cilantro extract
  • Homeopathics individualized for detox
  • Also recommended are glutathione, Vitamin E and Omega fatty acids.

It is generally recommended to be on these supplements starting at least 2 weeks before any dental treatment and continuing for one more month after completion of therapy.

Throughout the weeks or months of treatment, it is advisable that:

  • A diet rich with protein and vegetables, but low on carbohydrates be followed.
  • No fish (including shellfish) be consumed. Sardines or other small fish are OK.
  • No chewing gum.
  • Bowel movements of 1-2 times daily be encouraged.
  • Plenty of liquids be consumed.
  • Sweating be encouraged either by exercise and/or saunas.

Biological & Homeopathic Dentistry

L.A. Health News, September 2004

Please realize that biological dentistry is not a true specialty in dentistry, but rather an approach to dentistry which utilizes some aspects of complementary (or “alternative”) therapy.

A biological dentist:
  • Will evaluate a patient as a whole person rather than a set of teeth.
  • Will respect the intricate inter-relationship between the teeth, the mouth and the body.
  • Will definitely not place any silver-mercury amalgams, and if he has to remove any, will follow strict precautionary guidelines.

Beyond these common points, biological dentists will differ in their methods. Some are trained in acupuncture, some in surgeries, bone infections or joint diseases, some in homeopathy, some in hypnosis. Overall, biocompatibility issues are of prime concern to them.


Diseases of the teeth and the mouth are in essence small-scale versions of other bodily ailments. Many times a disease will manifest itself first in the mouth. Recent studies indicate a strong relationship between bacteria involved in gum disease, and diabetes, coronary heart disease, and joint and kidney inflammation. Bacterial toxins from chronic bone infections or failed root canals, sometimes called “focal infections”, most of which remain unnoticed by the patient, have even more serious and debilitating health consequences.

In this context, doctors in Switzerland and Germany have established a detailed tooth/organ relationship chart to act as a guide for various practitioners.


The teeth, being in a part of the body essential to primitive survival instincts such as feeding, fighting, and facial expressions, are linked to deeply emotional centers in the brain. Many times dental treatment will trigger old memories and arouse long-forgotten emotions.

Granted, there will always be some sort of displeasure in going to the dentist. Nowadays, there are many ways to make dental treatment more acceptable. A serene setting, an understanding, open-minded dentist, and plenty of dialogue. Herbal relaxants, aromatherapy, acupressure, Bach flower remedies, homeopathic remedies for anxiety, calming music, distracting movies, hypnosis, acupuncture, all contribute to a serene and positive frame of mind and an optimistic attitude, thus creating conditions for speedier healing, and a better and more successful outcome in therapy.


Many biological dentists use homoeopathic remedies for various purposes. Homeopathy has been used for centuries and relies on the principle of “like curing like.” The remedies usually consist of extremely high dilutions of a substance, where there are no molecules left in solution, but rather the energy “imprint” of that substance on a submolecular level. This will resonate through the body and create a healing effect.

Depending on the dilution, or potency, a remedy can have differing depths of action, ranging from the biochemical/cellular level, down to the emotional/spiritual. In light of the heavy emotional aspects of dental diseases and their treatments, and considering the burden of heavy metal toxicity plaguing more and more people, homoeopathy could be a valuable method of supportive therapy. The broader concept of modem homeopathic therapy may encompass classical or complex homeopathy, homotoxicology, auto-sanguis therapy, nosodes, etc.

Many of these have their origins in Germany, where homoeopathy is well integrated into and tolerated by mainstream medicine. Overall, these modalities can be used in dentistry to address anxiety, pain, sensitivity after fillings, infections and abscesses, gum disease, healing after surgeries, dental trauma, ulcers, and detoxification.