
How to find us

We are located in Glendale, California and our physical location is

906 North Glendale Ave.
Glendale California 91206
Telephone (818) 247-7828
Fax (818) 247-7833


Should you not have a default mail program, you might not be able to click the above links – in that case, you would have to type the above addresses into your email program/service.

We are located just north of the 134 freeway, on the northeast corner of the Glendale Ave./Glenoaks intersection.

Parking is available in the back after following the drive way on the left of the building as well as in the parking area on the south side of the building (right, when facing it).

Our office hours are
Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm , with a lunch break from 12:00pm to 1:30pm; and Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.

You can find a summary of the driving instructions by following this link. The displayed page can be easiy printed and taken along. Print by holding down the control key ‘Ctrl’ on your keyboard while tapping the letter ‘p’.